
Friday, April 17, 2009



دموکراسی بدترين شيوه اداره جامعه انسانی‏ست. البته شيو‏‏ه‏های ديگر بسی بدترتراست. پس اگرچه در ميان روش‏هايی که تا کنون برای گرداندن جامعه به ذهن انسان رسيده است، دموکراسی از همه بهتر و ارجمندتر است، اما اين چگونگی به معنای خوبی آن نيست. چرا؟

برای اين که انسان به گوهر،جانوری خودکامه و خويشخوشخواه است و خوش ندارد که کسی يا چيزی جلوگير او باشد و او را از آنچه می خواهد کند، بازدارد. اما دموکراسی خواهش‏ها و آرزوهای فرد را تا مرز حقوق ديگران ميدان می دهد و به کسی اجازه دست اندازی به گستره حقوقی ديگران نمی دهد. پذيرش اين چگونگی، يعنی قيد و بند‏های فراوانی که تنها فرد را در گستره خيال، آزاد می گذارد.

با اين همه، فرهنگ دموکراتيک، گستره آزادی‏های فردی را تا جايی که به آزادی ديگران زيانی نرساند، محترم می شمارد. شيوه‏های ديگر، همين يکی را نيز از فرد دريغ می کنند و در گستره خيال نيز، بايدها و نبايدهای بسياری دارند.


گم شده.

هف هش ده سالی می شود که او را نديد‏ه‏ام. گمٌ و گور شده است. اين را همه دوستانش پذيرفته‏اند. شبی خود را از شٌر ِبيشتر چيزهايی را که به او آموخته‏ بودند، رهانده است. می پرسی چه جوری؟ شاشيده بود به همه چيزهايی که آموخته بودندش. آن هم نه درخواب. از آن پس ديگر کسی پيدايش نکرد.


گلستان سعدی و سياست نامه خواجه نظام الملک دو گواهينامه تاريخی اين نکته اند که شاهان ايرانی موجوداتی نادان، خونخوار، خطرناک و دمدمی مزاجی بوده اند که بهتر می بوده است آنان را با بافتن آسمان و ريسمان بهمديگراز سزای اعمالشان ترساند.


باقلوات است پدرسوخته!!

چندی‏ست در پی ريشه واژه "باقلوا" هستم و هرچه بيشتر می گردم کمتر می‏يابم. پرسش من اين است که اين واژه ريشه‏اش از چه زبانی‏ست و چه معنايی دارد؟ فرهنگنامه‏های فارسی هم پاسخی برای اين پرسش ندارند. فرهنگنامه دهخدا، شيوه پختن باقلوا را هم در زير اين واژه آورده است، اما اشاره‏ای به ريشه آن نکرده است.

اگر شما پاسخ اين پرسش را می دانيد، برای من هم بنويسيد.


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Ebrahim jaan,

I am not sure if you have checked Wikipedia or not but here is what I got:


I hope it helps a bit/Good luck
Dear HA,

Thanks for that. I had visited that site as part of my research to no avail as it states right at the beginning that: The history of baklava is not well-documented.

I am interested in the origin of the word rahter than the product itself.

Thanks anyway.

Hello again,

I know, it is desappoiting to read that but but it goes on and explains this: "The word baklava entered English from Turkish;[12][13] it is sometimes connected with the Arabic word for "bean" (بقلة /baqlah/), but Wehr's dictionary lists them as unrelated; the Arabic name is doubtless a borrowing from Turkish[14]. Buell (1999) argues that the word "baklava" may come from the Mongolian root baγla- 'to tie, wrap up, pile up' composed with the Turkic verbal ending -v; baγla- itself in Mongolian is a Turkic loanword.[15] The name baklava is used in many languages with minor phonetic variations."
Alikom Al Hello,

Thank you AH. However, I have not still got a definitive & and an authoritative answer for two reasons;

Firstly, the text you have cited is doubious as it has 'may' and "sometimes".

Secondly, Wikipedia is not a reliable and quotable source as it the information is subject to continuoius editing.

I have written a piece on Harand in persian Wikipedia and have to re-edit it every now and again as someone keeps messing it up. Why? If you read it, you will find out the answer. Here is the link:


In fact I had to re-edit it as I went to copy the page address, as it had been changed again. I think one of my fellwo hamshahri has taken an offence to what I have said about our village. (Our city to him.

One of my hobbies - now that we are talking - is foucusing on a word and trying to find out what it means and wher it has come from. In other words, its etymology. The last one befor Baghlava was the word: "Enthusiasm". It means... No, I'd better not tell you and challenge you to find out what it really means.

Thank you for your enthusiasm in this regard.(whatever that may mean).


May your life be as sweet as Baghlava. Amen.
Ebrahim jaan,

I thank you for replying to my comments and I must say you have an interesting hobby. It is quite engaging and raises your awareness and curiosity. I should have known better and not so carelessly suggest to look at Wikipedia. But for a word like Baghlawa I don't think you would find a definitive answer or it would be very hard to find one and it might take years of research and travelling. I would be very interested to know what your method of research is and what resources you usually rely on for it. I also would like to know how you choose your words? Why Baghlawa or why Enthusiasm?

About the link and your contribution to Wikipedia and Harand... I read it and learn something about the part of our country that don't know enough about but I feel the last sentence can be avoided. I think it is an opinion and not a fact and you might be right about that statement but it is arguable. For example, I can tell you that Ghali-bafi is an art and you might argue back that it hasn't changed a bit in the last 100 years and it could if they would care to familiarize themselves with new technology and I could answer that I appreciate the fact that it hasn't changed and I can see how women thousands of years ago would do the same work and that is priceless....and so on. And because it is arguable it should not be placed in a site that provides unbiased information If that is the purpose of any Encyclopedia). By the way, this is just my opinion and I am not an expert in this matter but as a user/ or reader that's how I think.

Thank you again & Looking forward to more fruitful discussions.
خوش به حالش... همون کسی رو میگم که رفته گم شده - البته بعد از شاشیدن- چه خوب از دست همگی راحت شده. خوش به حالش.
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