
Monday, December 10, 2007

برآيش؛ زيبايی، هنر و عشق 

6. سازه های برآيشی عشق

علت عاشق ز علت ها جداست
عشق اسطرلاب اسرار خداست

زيبايى اندام هاى ورزيده و فشرده از آنروست كه اين گونه اندام ها، نشانه سلامت و بهداشت است و چون ژن هاى سالم در بدن سالم يافت مى شود، ورزيدگى تن و فشردگى ماهيچه ها و چربی هاى آن، مانند بازوان و ران ها و پستان ها، جنس مخالف را بسوى خود مى كشاند. تنومندى، نشانه درشتى استخوان بندى و نيروى بيشتر است. اگر چه تنومندى امروزه در ميان بيشتر گروه هاى انسانى، دسترسى بيشتر به فراورده هاى غذايى را سبب نمى شود، اما اين ويژگي ها در دوران پيش از پيدايش كشاورزى شكل گرفته است و به فهرست كردارهاى غزيزى انسان پيوسته است. در آن روزگار، فردِ تنومند خوراك بيشترى فراهم مى آورد و تنومندى زن به معناى 


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Lie still, lie still, my breaking heart;
My silent heart, lie still and break:
Life, and the world, and mine own self, are changed
For a dream sake.

Christina Rossetti

Ebrahim jaan, this was a great read. Thank you. I was just surprised to read in your note that flame of love dies with every sexual encounter! Really? I think is well proven that sex is a form of exercise and self-expression. All the massage and stroking triggers the production of oxytocin and endorphin (chemicals that can relax and produce feelings of attachment). So sex helps to keep the skin, muscles and other bodily tissues in tone. And with orgasm, the brain relaxes oxytocin in women and vasopressin in men (again chemicals associated with feelings of attachment). But sexual intimacy is not only good for relaxation, giving and receiving pleasure but it is also associated with elevated level of testosterone. And testosterone can promote the production of dopamine, which fuels romance. There are many couples that are still in love after years of marriage and courtship. And they have been asked what is the key to their success, the answer is usually "sex" and "humour". I am not suggesting that these are the only component of a successful courtship. But when things go right in a relationship, sex is immensely memorable and satisfying and a great stimulator in a romantic relationship.
Also, I have been waiting for you to write something about the mating minds and the role of our sexiest organ, brain. Do you have something coming up in this regard? I hope you do, because our fascination with intelligence, linguistic talent, musical ability, our drive to create visual art, stories, dramas, our taste for all type of sports, creativity, sense of humour, political conviction, charitable giving and kindness come to make a lot more sense when we know the purpose of their evolvement: to attract our mates.Anyways, I cannot wait for you to enlight us with more of this facinating subject with your unique vision and poetic touch.


Just thought to suggest a grerat book in this regard as well:

Why Is Sex Fun?: The Evolution of Human Sexuality
by Jared Diamond
هليا جان، سلام

گمان می کنم که پاسخ بخش نخست نوشته شما را در کامنت قبلی برای مريم ، نوشتم.

عشق و آميزش جنسی دو هدف متفاوت دارند. شايد بايد منابع پژوهش های فراوانی را که در اين گستره شده است، بنويسم. عشق و آميزش و ازدواج، سه مقوله جدا از هم است. آميزش، دشمن عشق است و ازدواج دشمن هردو.

در مورد مغز نيز پيش تر نوشته ام. اين يادداشت ها درباره زيبايی، هنر و عشق است و در آنها به آميزش جنسی و چند و چون آن نخواهيم پرداخت.

کامروا باشيد.

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